Park And Sell At Chum's Corners!
Ripoff, sells used cars that break down in days and denys they knew about it. But I'm not the first it happened to!

Cars & Transport

The dog owner, Paul, who possesses several more companies he operates out-of his home, offered me a vehicle. 24 hours later the sign went negative. After I returned and informed him the estimation to possess it fixed which I'd like my money-back or another vehicle he'dnot do something.

I overheard him speaking with someone else who'd exactly the same issue. He ultimately settled 50% of the fix price but since we never closed an arrangement to purchase the vehicle he must have provided us us our cash back and obtained the vehicle back.

Do Not store at Playground and Market! The vehicles are gotten free of charge at deals like a reward for purchasing a diverse vehichle simply because they cannot offer them to genuine vehicle sellers *are there truly any genuine vehicle dealers*?

Company: Park And Sell At Chum's Corners!
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Traverse City
Address: Keystone - Chums Corners
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Mr. Car LLC
Sold me car with transmission problems and won't take responsiblity

Mr. Car LLC
They went back on their agreement, waited until I fixed a $3000 transmission and then repo'ed my truck ON PURPOSE!

J. Courtney
All Truck Sales, Knoxville Truck Sales Scam Artists

Crossroads Auto Repair
Lee Widell Lied, Mislead, Over Charged, Fraud, Took Advantage

Blackwell-Baldwin Auto Dealers
Blackwell-Baldwin Dodge Ripoff Bought New Truck Didn't Disclose Wrecked in Transit Sold Damaged Truck as New

Country Hill Motors
False advertising

Cottman Transmission
Ripoff dishonest 60 or so attempts 4 different transmissions 17 months later they offered me $400 of my $1200 back

Ripoff consumer rip-off fraud

Mr. Car LLC
Sold me a jacked up truck!

Zig Zag Motors/Sue Swanigan
Car Dealer Rip Off in MO