Safeco Auto Insurance
Ripoff Duluth

Cars & Transport

Policy was taken out on March 9 with Safeco; I was driving the car that was soon to be transferred in Title to my brother-in-law. The Adjuster wrote the policy sent the Declaration pages and stated that it was not a problem to have the car in my name (Nina Carter) and my brother in law, William Colbert to insure this vehicle '99 Lexus Sports Coupe. The underwriter wrote, and approved and the agent set the draft to be taken from my account.

On May 2 I was hit by another driver whom was at fault, whose insurance is still in question. Safeco took my funds refuse to pay any of the claims stating that the account was now fraudulent and there was a clause stating that fact. If this in deed was a fraud that was committed why was it not bought to my attention previous to the accident?

This company has no intentions of paying for the accident. At the time I borrowed the car from my brother-in-law. My brother in law and I have a signed agreement notarized stating that as soon as my brother credit was score was increased given Tony get the hospital bill paid.

Safeco refuse to pay for the accident that I was injured in on May 2, by a driver not knowing the rules of the road the police gave the ticket to the driver. Nonetheless, Safeco refuses to pay this for the car that has been sitting approximately thirty (30) or more days.

How can this be? I am now injured my brother in law has a car that he can't drive, the notes are being drafted from my account, and the insurance company is denying the claim. I am in touch with an attorney nonetheless; I thought this would be something that the FTC should be made aware of. We attempted to do business with this company in good faith we put for the effort.instead we are now being treated as second class citizens regarding the insurance with Safeco and it is unbelievable they are actually still drafting from my account.

I am now seeing serving doctors that is my insurance is paying 300-400 a visit. Having the take MRI, injection in my neck & back, seeing a pain specialist, orthopedic surgeon and spine clinic's for chronic pain since the accident. Safeco will do not have any intentions of paying under the uninsured motorist act. I have lost wages from work being out for 30-60 days, seeing a psychiatrists after the turmoil from the accident these adjusters do not want to pay anything.

Company: Safeco Auto Insurance
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Seattle
Address: Safeco Plaza
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Safeco Insurance
"Do Less"

Safeco Insurance
Scam, fraud, lies, cheats

SAFECO Insurance
Safeco is not safe nor honest

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It is an unethical insurance company

Not paying my Pip, leaving me with medical bills and I was REARENDED and HARD

Rip off