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December 22nd A Safeco insured came into my lane causing me to lose control of my vehicle and be hit by another. The accident exacerbated. Some back problems I already had... They don't want to pay because my treatments would probably have been needed later on anyway... insurance companies like that are the reason there are sooo many lawsuits.

I'm out a lot of money and a lot of missed hours at work and now definitely will only get relief if I have back surgery. I'm only 31 and have house note, car note oh and kids... But by all means please let your insured almost kill me and my children as we were left spinning in the middle of a busy interstate the weekend of Christmas.By the way she didn't pull over she continued on and decided later to go to the police station. So, how can i make life easier for an insurance adjuster and the CRAPPY company that they work for. And if you don't believe they're crappy just google Safeco auto claims and all that you find will be very very negative instances of this insurance.

Company: Safeco
Country: USA
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Safeco Insurance Company
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