Gmac Auto Loans
Gmac is a security risk of my personal identity Ripoff

Cars & Transport

Hello out there in corporate fraud land. Well, GMAC has took it upon themselves to outsource their telemarketing phone system to India and of course the best way to know this is by getting calls from people in india at 10pm at night wanting to know my social security number and to tell me I am late sending my car payments when I am not.

GMAC, you have provided my personal informaton to a call center in India without my knowledge or my permission and this is highly illegal!!! I have emailed you and Saturn about this and no one seems to know how this happened. I am going to tell you one thing, I will start a class action law suit against you for providing an unsafe overseas company with my personal data without my knowledge. I guess the digital copyright act is going to come in handy because I'm going to slam you hard for creating a hazardous security risk for me and my family. I will be seeking a litigator to take on this injustice by a so called 'American' company. You are a disgrace for outsourcing any job and calling yourselves an 'American' company. Idiots!!! You'll get yours and if anyone wants to go class action just post here and I'll be glad to jump on and ride gmac into the ground for violating my civil rights as well as others who's information was sent to india without permission!!!

Company: Gmac Auto Loans
Country: USA
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