Gmac Mortgage
Ripoff house stealers

Business & Finance

I filled a rip off almost a year ago about gmac my name is loretta and iam from balto. Md. I have been fighting gmac since july when my mortgage was transfered to them. I feel so bad for everyone going through hell due to gmac. Listen people get an attorney. Write down your phone conversations you have with their reps. Check your credit reports gmac has ruined my credit claiming 3 months forclosure and 2 months repossion and i have never left my home. Use bank certifed checks to pay your payments. Mail your payments so gmac signs for them each month i say this because gmac will let your payment sit untill it is late and then they will charge you late fees.

Gmac will also send inspectors to check your home and charge you for it so take notice at strange cars by your homes. Gmac has done so much to me i still cry when i talk about it. I have hired a lawyer back in january of this year he is still fighting them as of this day. Gmac is a company that is stealing away the american dream of owning a home.

Back in april my attorney sent gmac a letter regarding my account well every since then they have really been playing with my account they cashed my payments for august and september and then mailed they back to me in one of their checks.

My october payment they refused all together and sent it back. Gmac is owned by a company called truman llc i know this because 3 days ago gmac hired the fisher law office to forcose on my home for no reason they are trying to make me pay a $4,972.00 transfer fee that goes back to 2003 i have been fighting since gmac took my mortgage. I did not refinance.

My mortgage was bought by gmac and gmac tryed charging me a fee. I have saved every letter and statement gmac has sent me. There is a class action law suit against gmac mortgage. I have filed complaints with my local DLLL and have also called my local politians.

I will not let gmac get my home. I understand the thoughts of burning it down LOL we have to try and stay one step oh hell we have to stay about 10 steps ahead of them. Each of us alone cant do to much but all of us toghether can kick gmac corprate ass you just need to find the right attorney that is not scared of them and john austin in md is ready to kick butt. You have to put the word out about them (gmac) tell the refi telemarketers that call you, tell the person in line at the walmart, tell your neighbors any one and every one. Every refi company that calls me i tell them to go to this web site and read the horried stories that gmac is doing to honest hard working people. We can and we will beat gmac

Company: Gmac Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Horsham
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