Freshdirect defrauds nursing home resident - pt1 - holiday flowers & food

Cars & Transport

1. Fd has defrauded me, an invalid nursing home / physical rehab / convalescent centre resident. These are the steps taken by me to resolve what remains an intractably unresolved systemic problem, experienced not only by me but by other fd customers as well, as evidenced below:
2. On sunday evening, 22 december i placed online order circa 10pm (well before the cut-off hour).
3. Step 3, i entered an american express prepaid card to pay for the order. Cash was withdrawn from the account.

4. The on-screen response read that there was an address mismatch, not informing me that, nevertheless, a cash deduction was made from my account.

5. No order confirmation was transmitted to me on-screen, so i re-entered the applicable mailing prior to my admission to hospital in february.

6. Another on-screen response read that an address mismatch occurred %u2013 yet again deducting cash %u2013 not pending funds - from my amex prepaid account.

7. No pop-up was conveyed regarding a duplicate order. 2 cash payments went towards 1 singular order which has yet to be assigned an order #.

8. When i then entered a former residential address, the screen informed me that my payment method was unacceptable and directed me to choose yet another card {from which fd would have extracted more monies, sans service or goods.

9. I called fd called rep 1-215-825-5726 to inquire whether prepaid cards are not acceptable and was assisted by an employee representing himself as %u201cjohn%u201d.

10. %u201cjohn%u201d put me on hold. Further discussion advised that i shpould call amex to reconcile address issue. %u201cjohn%u201d did not inform me that fd had already deducted for the order. He located no account # attached to my tele#, nor a delivery confirmation yet it could be shown on his side that monies were cleared from amex on my behalf.

11. %u201cjohn%u201d did not disclose that cash had been deducted from the prepaid account.

12. Fd rep never said that money was withdrawn and that delivery was already paid for.

U201cjohn%u201d instructed to re-enter order upon return from amex to fd site.

13. Nothing indicating %u201cduplicate order%u201d nothing to alert customer that dup charges same order screen reads as though no order ever placed.

Amazon prime back to could have ordered and returned from hosp with order already delivered in my absence.

14. I called amex and discovered that 90$ {cash, not pending authorization} had been dubiously extracted from my account.

15. Told %u201cjohn%u201d that his claim that my order had not cleared was patently false, as not only was it cleared 1x but 2x %u2013 with cash payment from a prepaid.

16. When asked %u201cjohn%u201d if prepaid card a problem, said yes. Called amex already deducted... So prepaid obviously not a problem; neither address matching a rpoblem if payment already made.

17. I re-iterated to %u201cjohn%u201d that he seems not to comprehend that i've already paid twice for an order that i won't receive even once - with my cash money caught up somewhere in the ether.

18. He said that he encounters this problem all of the time, to which i responded that if it's a constant fd problem, then the technical glitch is on the fd side, not mine, yet it redounds to me.

19. The address on amex records was same as original fd order - here at the nursing home where i reside. No address change was required on my part.

20. What fd failed to initially comprehend is that because my personal residence is inside of a nursng facility, the system is reading as commercial. Some method of override should have been manually inputted at inception, but certainly once particulars of my problem became well known. Fd charged me more for designated commercial address delivery to a nursing home.

Company: Freshdirect
Country: USA
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