Forced to pay extra insurance charge without explain clearly

Cars & Transport

Purchased a vocation package from JetBlue included Hertz car rental. Arrived to Hertz counter with a man called Tom. Told him that we don't need any extra insurance coverage since our credit card and card insurance already has coverage. Also told him that it's been pre-paid thru the package. He seems confused and show and told us that the system had me marked some optional insurance options. We asked him that does it cover from our package and he told us that everything is covered. We confused and asked him few more times that does it cover from our pre-paid package. He checked the system and told us that it should cover everything. Then showed us the screen and said it was just estimate and asked us to sign. Then we thought all the options are covered from our package and never thought that we will be charged extra. Then we signed.

After we returned the car, and received the receipt. We realized that the extra insurance options shows and saying the amount is charged on my card. Then we went back to Hertz counter and talked the the manager name Jared. He didn't really help and said that Tome did mark down what he went through and h did everything right. We then told him that Tom didn't actually explain that those extra insurance options didn't include in our package and those are extra. But this manager didn't really wanted to talk to us since he kept saying they didn't do anything wrong and we did sign the paper.

So they charged us almost double our car rental. This is how they treat and trick customer. We will not rent from Hertz again. Be careful.

Company: Hertz
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: Orlando Airport
Site: hertz.com
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AAA Insurance Company
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Hertz Car Rental
Paying for extra insurance

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