Harassment of a 5 year Employee at work

Career & Work

Accused of not submiting paperwork, but i make copys since the workplace drops paper-work constantly.

Charged of not pre-trip of vehicle, that we did and also have evidence on document but we nevertheless sespened for just two times with pay by Management.

Obtained wrote up for not managing a motorists path on my off-day.

Company: Dreyers
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Site: dreyer.com
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Swift Transportation
Gross incompetence, dishonesty, ripoff

All american superheroicecreamco
Former driver being accused of something i did not do

Leanlife PM
NovaPointe, LeanlifePM ripoff - signed up for 7 day trial, gained weight, did not lose any. Cancel any further products, they sent me 3 month supply and withdrew $99.90 from checking acct

Brown & Brown Nissan
Trying to force me to pay more money on a dead truck, guaranteed price on, verbal truck would be running

Estinson Logistics
Wage shaving and Blackballing, CDL Drivers beware

Bogus charges and harassment

Wachovia Bank
RIPOFF accused of defrauding therefore they took my drivers license and credit card

NorthCentral University
They are requiring me to take a class over by giving me a zero on my last paper and allowing me no explanation, they are only out for money

Rip off Report
Consumer Report

Americas Servicing Company, Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo Bank They promised me that I qualified for a loan modification and promised that my payments would be $654.00