Estinson Logistics
Wage shaving and Blackballing, CDL Drivers beware


Estenson logistics is currently involved in a class action lawsuit for its time keeping of employee's hours, they would ask me to come in say at 10:00 am. I would, however my paid hours would not start upon my arrival, I would have to walk out to the truck to "clock in" this alone could take up to 30 mins due to the fact that the paper work was not always ready, so as a driver you would have to wait for the paperwork, then walk out to the yard where the truck are kept, start up the truck then wait for the Qualcomm to start up, all the while losing time that should be paid. This was also compounded by the fact that they automaticlly took 30 mins off the time that you were "clocked in" for a lunch break that most days never happenend, due to the time required on the loads and the So. Cal traffic. Then upon returning in for the night you "clock out" and at that point would be officially off the clock, however again the reverse would apply... Walk to the guard shack turn in paperwork, then walk to the office and turn in the paperwork to the dispatcher who also had other drivers waiting in line to turn in paperwork. They would then check your paperwork then release you or they would have you make corrections all while off the clock. If they happen to be "out" for a few minutes you were require to wait for thier return and if you just dropped your paperwork then you would be subject to a "write up" or they might even not have a load for you the following day.

As far as Blackballing they have since I left been telling other companies I have applied to about every little detail in my employment with them, the minor stuff that goes unreported because it's consider flys*t stuff. They have exaggerated the facts to make a mountain out of flys*t. Most of this is coming from the Senior HR in the company because he has personal grief with me.

I will update this report as needed, but if you are a CDL driver or even a dispatcher beware this company will do its best to bring you down.


Company: Estinson Logistics
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Chandler
Address: 411 N. McKemy Blvd
Phone: 4809408800
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