Orem Subway scaming employees ill treatment of employees

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

My 18 year old daughter was promised a raise would show up on her next paycheck, two and a half months later NOTHING. I called Subway headquarters and they passed the buck, I called the local office and they too passed the buck. FINALLY when I had bugged them enough to light a fire under them they said my daughter would need to be reevaluated (even though she had already been evaluated and supposedly given a raise "that she NEVER saw") She was re-evaluated and told that she would get a raise (the same amount she was origionally to get)

However that never happened. They then proceeded to give her the crappy hours (that she was NOT AVAILABLE to work and had already given that info to her manager MONTHS before) they doubled her hours to work and made her workplace umbareable. I made her quit due to the treatment she was getting. She still did not get the raise she was promised!!!

Company: Subway
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Orem
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