Progress Rail Services
I was the lowest paid employee for over a yea


I was a carman (train inspector) for a railroad services contractor for about 2.5 years. I was hired on 4/15/04 by my first boss there. I was fired on 8/9/06. The problem is I was the lowest paid employee there for over a year. See I had been there for about 15 months when some new guys were hired. 3-4 months later under the administration of our second facility manager (the 1st relocated) all these guys started getting raises.

I kept quiet at fisrt but when all of a sudden everyone else there (including newer employees with less then half of my time and experience with the company) was making more than me I started asking questions. I was told that if I had good attendance after 6 months I would have my raise like everyone else. 6 months passed. And I was there a full hour early about 97 percent of the time during those months and I was still told no.

Boss number 3. Some time passed. But I didnt bother the new boss about my raise at first to be nice. When I did finally ask I was told that I had to get a certification for the single car air test device. I did and passed with the highest score in the class. Then I was told now I have to get a welding certification. Once again. I did.

I asked again about my raise. Still no raise. This time I was told that we were not in "the green" for the month financially. Why do you ask. Because several employees there were just not doing there job and anyone can tell you that is a fact. Keep in mind said lazy employees were making more money than me. But I was denied something I busted my *&* for because they refused to bust theirs.

Alas after over a year of begging for my raise I got it. And before I ever saw it. I was fired! I dont want my job back. But I wished I could get all the money I should have been getting in the first place.

Company: Progress Rail Services
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Rochelle
Phone: 6318207
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