Kohl's Credit
Online Credit Card payments

Business & Finance

I have a Kohl's credit card for a number of years now. Over the years it has been a constant struggle to make a payment or in any other way service my credit card account online. Consequently I have had a number of late payments. Paying in the store is of course an option, but you have to pay by check or cash and I primarily use my debit card for financial transactions. I rarely use checks or have them with me. I don't usually carry much cash either. So, when in the store and thinking "Ah, I'll pay my bill while I am here" doesn't always work out. There is also not an option for automatic withdrawal monthly for your account, and, the last time I spoke with customer service, they informed my they did not offer a payment reminder as is usual with most companies.

Company: Kohl's Credit
Country: USA
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Kohl's Credit
Kohl's Credit Card

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