Bank of America
Loan discrimination - VA Mortgage

Business & Finance

Put our offer in on april 23. BOAhad until july 6th to get the paperwork together. On july 5th, underwriting needed more paperwork. We turned it around in 3 hrs. We were told our loan was not contingent on the sale of our house. But then monday july 9th the bank decided it was. So we had our attorney issue a prepossesion. (mind you we need to move from NY to FL) BOA would not accept it since the state of FL doesnt use attorneys so they don't know what it is. We have no place to live due to having to get a pre-possession we can't use. My husband is disabled military and we have been living in our car. Can't get a motel, cause the bank wont let us touch our money. We are running out of time and will be seriously homeless if this bank can't get there shit together by july 20th. Our seller will not allow us to issue another extension. Does anyone know who i can call to get a fire lit undersomes ass? I went from a nice house and a nice job to unemployed and homeless and it's all BOA's fault. I am loosing my mind... Please give me some insite

Company: Bank of America
Country: USA
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