Brantley & Associates
Odis Brantley Your Associate DID NOT provide service but kept our escrow funds

Business & Finance

Open letter to Odis Brantley, Owner of Brantley & Associates

10631 Sandpiper dr. Houston, TX, 77096.713-981-5926

Hes a man of god on sundays

When I was a child It was a pleasure to be around Christians because the end result for them, I always believe, was heaven. It was a badge of honor to be baptized or be apart of the few who called themselves servants of God.

Step into my life as a grown woman. I now consider my time as a young Christian as being a time of naivety and blind faith -for believing in the goodness and pure heart of those who labeled themselves as seekers and doers of the word

I am the first to admit, I am fallible but I bless the gifts that fallibility brought to my life. I am learning to be patient, understanding, empathetic but most importantly, I am learning personal accountability. Which leads me to the heart of my story:

On March 18th, I felt the sting of desperation that lead me probing through various website. I came up on mortgage grapevine - a website that links lenders to borrowers to form a mutually beneficial relationship. I saw an ad that got my attention and I called you for verification of that ad. I spoke with you sir with a heavy heart that reeks of desperation but after our conversations I felt hopeful and I finally slept for 4 hrs that night instead of 2 hrs.

This is what your ad now says:

No: 1

We can do this loan request for you with

A 15 year term, however you must be able to

Prove your abilty to repay the loan

Brantley & associates, 713 981 5926 email


We will need a 1003 application completed

If you have one if not seen email and we

Will provide one for you

We have been closing loans over 20 years.

By paraguay February 13 10:19 AM

No: 2 - this is one of your earlier post in 2009. Still in the business for over 20 years then:

Brantley & associates have been in business over 20 years

Closing commercial & church loans with funds from our

Private investors, we do loans that banks will not touch

We close loans and can back up what we say, thank you

By paraguay July 16 7:23 AM

No: 3 One of your latest post weeks after my ordeal with you at the helm:

We have our direct private lenders and have

Been in business over 20 years in texas we

Close loans international most any type

Properties, hard money loans, joint venture

100% church loans, hard to place type loans

Venture capital, private funds, debt/equity


Brantley & associates p 713 981 5926

Email brantley.

By paraguay April 13 7:04 AM

I have noticed many changes and maybe I am the ONLY one on that website who knows the deleted ad you said:

Brantley and associates, hard money lender with loan from 0-2% down, 7.9% ltv and no credit checks! Call 713-981-5926.

If I left anything out its because those words caught my attention and thats why I called you. You told me you were reluctant to pick up the phone on a Sunday because you just came from church and will returned later that evening. I was very relieved that you picked up the phone despite it being a day of worship for you. Our conversation led you to make a promise to have an Associate of yours call me the following morning. His name is Robert Bellinger Owner of PMG lending 716-870-8786.

Mr. Brantley, I know you remember Mr. Bellinger. He caused you to change your ad on Mortgage Grapevine. He caused you to mention 1003 form now but NOT then. Then you said NO CREDIT CHECKS! AND 7.9% LTV I know you know Mr. Bellinger because he stole my money. A huge part of my familys life savings and he refuse to return it even though he didnt provide the service.

When you introduced me to Mr. Bellinger you called him your Associate. Mr. Bellinger spoke highly of you during our 40 minutes conversation on Monday March 19th { I also have his emails to prove it}. He made it clear to me he was doing you a favor by making my loan processing a high priority due to my willingness to put 10% down instead of the 0-2% down - remember that also got your interest peaked!

I felt lucky and I called you also on Monday March 19th in tears telling you how happy and grateful I was that youve helped me { I also have the emails sent to Bellinger referencing my tears}. I was grateful to you and made it clear that its because of you, my family would be able to purchase our home. You said very convincingly, that GOD was on my side and looking out for me. Its funny now because after Mr. Bellinger stole our money and I called you { on March 24th} for help, you denied ever introducing us and hang up on me. Do you know longer believed God was on my side?

Where are you now Mr. Brantley? What role did you play in this? Do you feel any accountability? I guess not because you are still advertising your company and living your life without any desire to come to my aid to get my familys life savings returned from the man you once called An Associate.

Where are you now Mr. Brantley? A man of God who has been in the Lending Business for over 30 years { now advertised as 20 years}. Where are you now? Do you still believe that GOD sent me to you or you to me? Where are you now? Do you feel that you are responsible or should bare some responsibility for the actions of your Associates? No letter of condolence or a phone call to check up on the person that you said GOD helped to find you?

Where are you now Mr. Brantley? Do you sleep well at night or do you toss and turn like I do? Where are you now Mr. Brantley? Will you drop the Associates off your name? Who are they and how are they vetted?

You told me that Mr. Bellinger embellished his association with you and you do not know him for very long. You told me that you have never met him in person and wouldnt know what he looks like if he was to pass you in a crowd. He became an Associate because he asked to be and you took his word and I took yours.

Mr. Brantley I am stilled owed $16,830.00 from your past Associate. This is what plagues me at night. I no longer smile unless I look at my kids. My husband is heart broken because for 10 years he worked hard for his money and now its gone. Its not only about the money less you should feel like I am vain. Its about accountability. It was said to me once that your true colors show in times of crisis; Mr. Brantley you denied me and you ran away. That was your true color!

30 years of service to the public and throughout that time you have forgotten how to care. To you its more about your business than your reputation and thats unfortunate because you still feel you did the right thing for you. Maybe it was at the behest of a lawyer or just your calculated decision to not take responsibility for your role in this situation.

My family hurt not just for our financial loss but for our diminish faith in people and the anger that can only destroy the little hope we have left in those who will make a positive difference in this mean world.

You told me when I came back to thank you in tears that you are happy that things worked out and this is what you do and you love helping people. Are we people Mr. Brantley? Why didnt you help us? Did fear of your association with Mr. Bellinger exposed you as a man without religious convictions? Did you forget that you were my first point of contact to Mr. Bellinger? Where are you now Mr. Brantley? Maybe in church!

Company: Brantley & Associates
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 10631 Sandpiper Dr
Phone: 7139815926
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