Michael Brantley, Michael Marlin, Brian Swenson Online Marketing Solutions, AutopilotMillionaireSy
Lied to, ripped off and stolen from, SCAMMED New York City And Las Vegas New York & Nevada


Michael Brantley contacted me regarding joining an internet business named AutopilotMillionaireSystem.com I have an email from him explaining the affiliate program, the amount I needed to pay to join (479.99) and the commssion schedule. From december 31st through Jan 11th 6 affiliates joined. Once Michael Brantley received confirmation of my payment to Online Marketing Solutions I haven't heard from him since.

He has not returned any of my calls or emails. I have not received my promised commissions totaling $7,000. I questioned him about the online Ripoff report and he assured me it was false. He and his company have lied, stolen and scammed me and my family. I have notified him I will be contacting every legal agency about him and his scams.

Company: Michael Brantley, Michael Marlin, Brian Swenson Online Marketing Solutions, AutopilotMillionaireSy
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 3450 West Sahara Ave., Suite 119
Phone: 2122039884
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Autopilotmillionairesystem.com, Online Marketing Solutions, Michael Brantley
Online Marketing Solutions, Autopilotmillionairesystem.com, Michael Brantleyautopilotmillionairesystem.com, Michael Brantley Scammed me in affiliate program

Online Marketing Solutions Guaranteedmillionairesystem.com
Guaranteedmillionairesystem Online Marketing Solutions Michael Marlin, Michael Brantley Director Of Sales called me in Dec. And told me if I sent $100.00 he would upgrade me and send check

The Carlyle Motor Club - Red Carpet Leasing - Michael Brantley - Geoffrey Hull
ILLEGAL SUBLEASING, THIEF, SCAMMER, Fraudulent User information & embezzled my ca

Guaranteed Millionaire System
Many of us have been ripped off by Michael Marlin as I have been reading on this report. "What are we going to do about it"?

Carlyle Motor Club. Michael Brantley. Brianna Lopez. Geoffrey Hull
Carlyle Motor Club. Michael Brantley. Brianna Lopez. Geoffrey Hull Scam. Fraud. Need help bringing them down

Michael Brantley / Skyline Motorcars
Skyline Motors/Michael Brantley illegal subleasing of luxury cars

What You See-Is not What You Get... At all!

Guranteed Millionaire - Michael Marlin
Online Marketing Solutions RIPE OFF SCAM

AutoPilot Millionaire Systems
Scam! Michael Davis/Brantley wanted me to be a paid member of a service selling nothing, free website. Or New York? Or New York

Guaranteed Millionaire System - Michael Marlan - Online Marketing Solutions
Told I had a commission coming and never recieved anything