EMC Mortgage
Ripoff Ruined my credit, forceplaced insurance on us to another address that didn't exist now we have to pay

Business & Finance

We have had our home for six years and after the first three years we were sold to EMC Mortgage. This is when our nightmare began. With our previous mortgage company we paid our insurance with our house payment every month. When EMC bought "us" they didn't send any contract or information of any new guidelines or changes to be made on our account. Our payment stayed the same.

Come to find out we didn't have any insurance and they forceplaced insurance and our payment went up two hundred dollars more a month. At that time we decided to get our own insurance locally and continued to pay the back insurance.

For almost two years we paid our own insurance all the while they were not applying it to our account and continued to charge us with their insurance. It all came down to having to pay double for our insurance. We got our attorney involved and he was able to find out why they were not accepting our insurance and forcepacing theirs on us.

When we were sold to EMC they didn't enter the property address correctly and were forceplacing insurance on the corn field across the street from our home instead of our home. Which they still are deducting the insurance for the corn field from our monthly mortgage payment.

They refused the proper insurance on our home and demanded us to pay for what they placed to insure the field. They have caused great damage to our credit scores and will not fix it. I'm not paying them back for insurance they paid for on a field. Due to this our payment according to them is several months past due when in reality it is not.

We are now in foreclosure and plan to sell our home. We will not be able to get a loan for another home because of them and will be forced to rent somewhere. With a family of 5 it will be difficult to find something, especially with our oldest son being disabled. We have paid an attorney for two years only to become bankrupt and homeless.

How is this fair? Why do the children have to suffer for their stupidity? They should be put out of business immediately. Let them get a dose of their own torment and walk away with NOTHING. May the Lord have mercy on them, they'll need it.

Company: EMC Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Irving
Address: P.O. Box 141358
Phone: 8004367397
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