Cross Country Bank
SCAM - Disgusted and Ridiculous Business Ethics

Business & Finance

Speaking of SCAMS... Recently I was approved for a credit card with Cross Country Bank (my understanding, they approve everyone, even BIN LADEN, that's why that A* wipe has so much AMERICAN MONEY!!!).

After about a month of phone calls, I finally received a letter from them stating I had to pay a fee of 35.00 due to criteria received from a credit reporting Agency before thay could process my request.

Well, I sent in the 35.00 bucks plus a fee of 8.95 by Money gram, CASH mind you. I spoke with two different people on the phone the very same day telling me that I'd receive my card within a few days of receiving my payment.

So i went by money gram and supposedly it was to get there within ten minutes. After a few days and speaking with more than five reps., i called once again to check on the status of my card and they tell me that there is a 9 day waiting period and then my card is printed and i should get it within 12-15 days, three of those days being a holding period for mail out~ WHAT THE F*?!?!?!?!?

To top it all off, my credit limit is 250, but yet they say I am only allowed to use 135.00, considering 100 in origination fees and 50 in annual fees.

If you ask me, this is a rip off because of all the time and hassle and MONEY to even GET the damn thing, is definately NOT worth a mark on my credit report that I am trying hard to re-establish!

I have talked to a total of 7 reps and each one of them has told me something totally different.

I applied for this card on October 2 and have YET to receive it, here it is December 12. Capitol One Visa sends theirs within 7 days, can anyone explain why there are such hypocritical people in this world?

You Osama Bin Laden a* wipes! That towel head can eat my S* and DIE!!! Did'nt your parents teach you anything? Oh excuse me, maybe your parents need a little a* kicking themselves!!! Scheez...

Company: Cross Country Bank
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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