Cross Country Bank, Applied Card Systems
Cross Country Bank Applied Card Systems ripoff illegal harassing arrogant rude joke fraudulent business

Business & Finance

I am writing the following report to add to all of the ones I have already read. The more I read, the more I see that I am not alone in this.

I signed up for a Visa card through CCB to establish my credit. I have had the card since October of '98. Recently I fell on some hard times and got a little behind on a couple payments. At the time I was a fool and had done a couple "PAY-BY-PHONE" payments with an auto deduction from my checking account. BIG FREAKING MISTAKE!!!

I had been visiting my parents (with whom I did not live with) and made the call to CCB on their home phone to make the payment. Unfortunately they must have saved my parents phone number on their caller ID system because ever since then, they have been calling and harrassing my parents to no end. They call 10- 15 times per day and are downright rude and tell my parents that they are liars and to put me on the phone right away "OR ELSE". My parents have insisted that I do not live there and to stop calling, but CCB says I gave them this number as my home phone number. NOT TRUE!

Not only are they calling incessently to my parents house, but they deducted a $100 dollar payment from my checking account WITHOUT my permission!!! Of course the amount did not go through from my bank as I did not have the money to cover it. So then I had some outrageous fees from my bank. Isn't that illegal??? I tried to call and speak to a rep to clear up the situation by sending in my bank info to get reimbursed for the fees, but they never did a damn thing to rectify it.

I have tried to be patient with this crappy company and they are causing a lot of headache. I had a balance of about $2,000 dollars before I started having problems with CCB, now even though I have repeatedly asked to have my account canceled or suspended -whatever you call it... (even AFTER I received a notice that all of my charging priveledges were suspended, they just recently charged me the annual $50 dollar fee!)... My balance is now up to about $ 2,800 dollars. They keep charging over the limit and late fees and tacked on even more this past month because of the annual fee.

I am so sick of this company. They refuse to work with me on paying off my debt in a normal manner. I received a call today from one of their reps telling me that I need to send money Western Union at my local Wal-Mart right away or they will start garnishing my wages and report me to my car insurance company so that they will raise my rates. It was kinda funny because they wanted me to do another pay by phone payment through my checking account and I told her NO WAY! She just kept twisting my words around and being very accusitory and threating.

I offered to send a payment by a Money Order, and she said they would not accept it, that it must be paid over the phone or through Western Union Wire. Bullshit. I want to pay off this debt, but they won't let me pay in the way I want to. They want to make their $7 dollar fee for ME to pay THEM over the phone, or $ 20 bucks they rip me off by having to pay Western Union.

To me, money is money no matter how I send it to them. I am at a loss and wish i could just sue the pants off of this total ripoff company.

WHY are they getting away with all this illegal activity and scamming???

I want to know my rights and what I can do to end all this crap.

Peoria, Illinois

Company: Cross Country Bank, Applied Card Systems
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Address: PO Box 310711
Phone: 8009928584
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Cross Country Bank aka Applied Card Systems
Unbelievable and undue harrassment mistreated and ripped off

UCB - United Collection Bureau
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Cross Country Bank / Applied Card Systems
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Cross Country Bank
Cross Country Bank Is a rip off and charges over the limit fees

Cross Country Bank
Ripoff stole money from checking account and made their own payments

Applied Bank (aka Cross Country Bank)
Applied Bank charges late fees, over limit fees, does not credit account with payment timely

Cross Country Bank
Is a ripoff business that doesn't give a damn, slow prossessing & outlandish late fees

Cross Country Bank
SCAM - Disgusted and Ridiculous Business Ethics

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ACE VISA ripoff ripoff