Bank Of America Mortgages
Home modification

Business & Finance

I think this program is May I applied for home modification and was told I qualified for the program. I explained the situation why I could not afford my mortgage payments for when I had purchased the house I had my Mom and my daughter living with me and contributed to paying the bills. Since then my Mom moved to PA. And my daughter moved to Texas, which leaves me in a hardship trying to pay my bills. I submitted all the paperwork and called to get an update every week for 9 months. I was told I was approved by Bank of America underwritter in Nov Paul Brown. The next step was the paper work went to Recommendation Quality Control Team at fannie mae. I was told I should hear something within 90 January the bank notified me as part of the program I needed to add my house insurance and my taxes into my mortgage payment which I had no problem. My mortgage payment went from $797,00 to $1053 per month as of Feb. They took their money on Feb 5th and on Feb 12 I received a letter from Bank of America stating I was denied for my modification. The reason the gave me was because I was not behind in my payments. I have been struggling to make my payments. Originally when I purchased my house I had my mother and my daughter living with me and they were contributed every month. Now I'm having trouble paying my bills. I am a single female who is disabled since 2005 and receive social security disabilty every month of $1730 this is the only income I have. Can you tell me how I can be denied after all this time. I would appreciate an answer of some kind. Pres. Obama made this program available for people like myself what is the problem

See below of all my calls I have made to Affordable Housing BAC
5/20 1st letter received explaining what was needed to apply for home modification

6/14 Spoke to Marie still in review

6/15 received a FedEx letter sent in needed back to BOA spoke to Richard Diddie Michigan Hope Team

6/16 Alan uploaded in system

6/18 Spoke to Alan

6/24 877-767-0706 Hope Tenesha no additional documents requested in for review

7/1 Victoria Hope Team Review negotiator 866 788 8495 Erica need more inf. Dawn as of 6/23/10 need more info fax 888-258-7329 Shelly gave info Karli custody no Hoa fees Donation Carolina Lakes $25.

7/6 Don Need profit & Loss Bac no day care Service Homeland Serving LP Fax explanation profit & Loss Hoa Fees

7/12 Sharmane in for review

7/21 Myra escalate System review

7/27 Jasmine Call BOA spoke to April all forms are up to date Escalate system July 6th final underwriter should have confirmation if qualified in 45days

8/5 BOA review 800 669 0102 called me

8/12 Receive FedEx letter from Boa in review conf between 45 -60days

9/1 in review

9/8 Jackie still in review

9/20 Alesia Still in review 45 days per letter Aug 11

9/29 Genene Escalation updated to BOA

10/8 Dianne escalation letter to be received in days

10/14 Received email Jason Hobbs boa tax return sent email back that info was faxed explaining faxed explaining 2009 tax did not file no EIC income disability 888-325-6430 ext 22998

10/15 marie 800 669 6650 transferred me to home retention div Valerie verified email that there was a Jason Hobbs said in was in underwriters hands and could take anywhere between 45-60daysa from Aug 12 letter

10/11 jacqueline letter received FedEx from Boa still needing tax info t-4506 was faxed and sent back by FedEx Paul Brown underwriter call status dept next week 10/26/10 866 422 5271 or 5871

10/21 rec letter 10/21/10 still needing tax inf

10/22 sent back info by FedEx

10/27 home retention div ntion center Vita 877 767 0706 Janay hope team received fax

11/5 maria lopez home retention center underwriter paul brown was given my paperwork on 9/30/10 to review could take up to 30-90 days for answers

11/12 Spoke to Johnand he stated it was approved by Paul Brown Underwritter on Nov 10 Wednesday. Next step goes to Recommendation Quality Control Team and Investors at Fannie Mae there they look at federal guide lines under the program. If not approved by Fannie Mae loan goes back to bank of america to see if they can do anything for me.

11/15 jen boa 877 872-8737

11/30 awaiting approval from fannie mae

12/20 Dustin BOA explained why they had put my taxes and house insurance into escrow per home modification

12/20 linette awaiting approval from fannie mae

12/29 Escrow 800 669-6607 Matt Supervisor rules of home modification

12/29 Brian home modification still under review

1/11 boa loans mortgage jane 866 236-5253 escrow dept sindell

1/11 home modifiacation update gabrielle review staus iew status

1/17 still awaiting fannie mae approval

1/24 still awaiting fannie mae approval

2/2 sill under review with fannie mae per Dina

2/14 Spoke to Jerome at 800 285 6000 regarding letter I received denying me Home modification and was told theres nothing I can do. Also spoke with Jeff In regards of escrow acct to see if I can go back to original mortgage payment and was told it can't be reverSED

Company: Bank Of America Mortgages
Country: USA
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