
Business & Finance

Like a longtime person of TurboTax, atleast 11 years, I've finally had enough. This season I had been just in a position to e file three results (five are allegedly contained in the cost) prior to the application reduce me down, stating that I'd previously submitted five. Customer care stated, "sorry, we notice that there's an issue with that-but there is nothing we are able to do apart from let you know to printing and document by email."

Our efforts to be repaid for that e file charge after replacing the return online with another supplier were overlooked; reactions to emails were processed responses and also to make things worse, delivered from no-response handles to ensure that I'd to re enter anything in a brand new distribution easily desired to continue the discussion.

This issue just raises my discomfort with this particular organization. I've utilized the fundamental edition for a long time since I have reside in a situation that doesn't possess a state tax. This season, I had been compelled to purchase the luxurious version despite the fact that my duty position hasn't altered. When they might focus their initiatives on attempting to create a great item in the place of determining methods to cost more, they'd be better-off. I'll never utilize some of their items again!

Company: TurboTax
Country: USA
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Faulty Turbotax

E-filing/Customer Service

Overpayment in my refund

Turbo Tax
Intuit is a "free" ride on the rip-off band wagon

Turbo Tax Deluxe
Double Your Income

Intuit - Turbotax
Attempted Fraudulant Double Billing ripoff

Turbo Tax
Glitch in their program

TurboTax 2010 return error
Turbotax for Nebraska did not recognize 14N form

TaxResources, Inc
Bad service

Turbo Tax
Bad service