Fairbanks Capital Mortgage ripoff Now they want $3800! We are frantic trying to save our home

Business & Finance

WE got a couple of months behind in our 2nd mortgage payments to these Leeches. I didn't realize it as WE have had a lot of medical and other things, going on.

I tried to send them a payment every two weeks to catch up, and for a couple of months, they took them. Then they demanded all at once, which I didn't have.

I sent a payment that was almost $100 more than the regular one to try to catch up. And I thought it was paid, I sent another, when the first one was returned to me. I had sent even another. And both of these were returned to me some 4 weeks later.

A month ago, they informed us that they were foreclosing on us. WE built this house 20 years ago and have put a LOT of Money into it through the years. They told us one day that they wanted $1500 to catch it up! Then a few days later, it went up to $2,600. Now a few days later, they want $3,800!! WE are frantic trying to save our home! HELP!

Lawrenceville, Georgia

Company: FairbanksCapital
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: P, O, Box 551170
Phone: 8002588602
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