SPS Fairbanks
SPS - Fairbanks Capital RIPOFF Mortgage or Money Theifs!

Business & Finance

Last year we got behind with my husband out of work almost 8 weeks due to a shut down. That is a whole other story.

Any way we were late paying just 60 day and I Western Unioned them the payment 386.00. Never heard a word about 5 weeks later I sent them another payment 400.00 and 3 weeks after that sent a 400.00 (that covered all late fees) payment just 10 days after the 3 rd payment I get notified that we are in Forcloser and they are going to sell my home at Auction in 30 days.

They never picked up any of the payments at all and now I was almost 5 months behind. So I ask why they had not picked up the payments and they told me that they did not have to if it was not the total owed.

Now I was really only 45 days behind all told if they had apply the mony as sent but they did not. So I had to go find the money that was never picked up by them and get it back. I had to rip up my home looking for the reciepts as They had been paid WU I just stuck them in my Checkbook as I thought they were picked up.

Now I have to come up with all the money PLus 1500.00 in Court Costs and Lawyer fees so Just by LUCK my Income Tax came in and I had the 4200.00 to send them. So we go into a Forbearance agreement with them.

Since then My husband has been working and we have paid every payment almost on the due date a few ahead of it and 3 or 4 2-3 days after it and I thought we were doing GREAT! Almost paid in full as of next month and will go back to the 386. Each month instead of the 530.00 we have had to pay to get this all straight.

We went to get a used car last week as we needed a new ride my Explorer has 267,000. Miles and on last legs. SPS has me being late 17 months behind! They will not report the payments I have paid as being paid at all untill the forbearace is lifted! So I am 17 months behind in my morgage as they report it even thought I have all my payment reciepts showing payments made to the on time for the last year!

How do they get away with this? Now I have to 28% interest to get this 1999 car as they have gotten these reports about the house and we are a RISK. Now I have had my home 15 years and only own 5 and it is paid in full HOW DO THEY GET AWAY WITH THIS! Does the Government not care that we are being Ripped OFF can no one help??

Company: SPS Fairbanks
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Phone: 8012931883
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