Customer Service

Business & Finance

My old room mate and I shared a cell phone, and she had a Chase credit card. She moved out and became homeless, and I have no way of contacting her. Chase repeatedly calls me, sometimes 7 times a day starting very early, asking for her. I have repeatedly told them she doesn't live here anymore, so they start yelling at me! This is rediculous. I remember when she started having financial trouble and told them they would get the money as soon as she had it, and they would call back 5 minutes later asking for money again. Everytime they called, it cost us money that she could be paying them. She told them that once and they got furious.

They also need customer service that don't speak butchered English. If they want cooperation. Well its hard to cooperate when you can't understand what somebody is saying.

I wish they would quit calling me. She doesn't live here anymore. She doesn't have a phone that they can get ahold of her at. If she's homeless, I doubt she can pay off her bill.

Company: Chase
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
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