Chase Credit Card
Ripoff fraudulent billing

Business & Finance

I moved 6 years ago, last week I received a call from Bank one or Chase whichever you prefer now, to tell me that I owe 1000.00 on my credit card. They had been sending notices to my old address and someone was using a cell phone to make calls using my credit card account #. I never used this card, didn't even know I had it, may be one that comes in the mail and doesn't get activated. I don't know, anyway Chase claims I should have told them I moved. Well I never use Chase so why would I.

Anyway the Po had the change of address. The calls were made in July and Aug. I am disputing them with Chase now, and waiting for an affidavit to sign. I don't have too must trust in this since I received a statement yesterday saying I owe 1000.00. I talked to 10 different people at Chase. I'm still waiting for the affidavit. I don't thing they should put the account # on the statements if anyone can take them and make a cell phone call and bill it to that #. What's with that.

Company: Chase Credit Card
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Wilmington Deleware
Address: PO Box 15123
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