Chrysler Financial
Gave me a payoff quote, I paid, they kept my title, paid additional fees, still kept my title!

Business & Finance

In November of I called and received a payoff quote from Chrysler Financial in order to pay off my car loan. I paid the amount I was told and waited for my title, which I was told would be mailed within 7-10 business days. It took months for my last car title to be received from GMAC, so when it didn't come right away I didn't January I called and got the automated response telling me the date my car was paid off, and that my title (same as before) would be released in 7-10 business days. That never happened.

Finally in February I called to ask where my title was. The recording was exactly the same, so I hit zero for a representative. This individual whose accent was so thick (but had a bland American name) could hardly speak English. She manages to tell me the same thing as the recording. When I told her that I still hadn't received my title in 3 months, she put me on hold. When she came back, she told me I still owed $90 plus interest and penalties totalling over $200!! WHAT? Their own recording (which I recorded on my camcorder) states that my car was PAID OFF back in November. Why did I not receive another bill? Why didn't anybody call me? If I was an hour late on a payment over the last 5 years, they would harrass me constantly, INCLUDING calling family in other States!

After gathering my wits, I explained that I paid what I was told on my payoff quote, so I didn't understand why there was more owing. They claimed that no such payoff quote existed. She suddenly became rude and consistently repeated the same line over and over again, no matter what I said. I told her I wouldn't pay the $200 and she said they would never send me my title if I didn't. I asked to speak to her supervisor and she refused, telling me that her supervisor would tell me the same thing. I said I didn't care, and to please transfer me. She refused and hung up on me.

I called the place where I bought the car and told them that they were dealing with crooks. They had already heard similar stories like mine and tried to contact Chrysler Financial on my behalf. 2 weeks later I was told that there was nothing they could do, and that CF was going to hold my title forever if I didn't pay the $200. They had climbed the ladder as far as they could and nobody would bend.

After much soul searching and fear of my car being reposessed in the middle of the night, I decided to pay the EXTORTION amount of $200 dollars and get my title. I sent the payment certified and return receipt requested. They received it and immediately cashed my check. One month later I STILL had not received my title. I called again, getting the same original recording (7-10 business days, yadda yadda). I hit zero. This person (who used the same bland American name as the other rude person I talked to) told me the same ORIGINAL information I received in November. After explaining my story ONCE AGAIN, she puts me on hold and comes back to apologize and tell me that "oops" they didn't release my title yet but she doesn't know why. She goes on to say that she would put in another request. I pressed harder and told her that I wanted the exact date I would receive my title. She said she couldn't give that information to me.

I already know that in 7-10 days from today, I won't have my title. The left hand does not talk to the right hand at Chrysler Financial. How can they do this? What are my rights? Who do I go to? This place is going to go bankrupt soon and they just don't care about their consumers. I need my car title. I paid off my loan as promised AND early. How can they get away with this??? I can't change my insurance without this title, which is FULL coverage and is very expensive. I want to switch insurance companies but cannot do so without MY title. Mine. I paid for it.

I for one will set out a lawn chair and eat popcorn in front of the main offices of Chrysler Financial the day they go under. But I want my title first!

Portland, Oregon

Company: Chrysler Financial
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: Louisville
Phone: 8005568172
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