BB&T Bank
Awful bank

Business & Finance

I have been a customer with BB&T and needless to say that this bank is very unprofessional with the way they conduct business, and with the way they treat their customers (Especially the customer service call center).

I have been slammed with outrageous NSF fees. The problem is that I had placed CASH in my account to cover charges that I had did on my credit card. I asked the teller if this was going to cover anything pending. He lied right to my face and told me yes. The very next day the money was gone and I had several NSF fees. This is not the first time that BB&T has done this. I admit I have made mistakes in the past regarding my account and took the blame when need. However the past two times this has happened was not my fault. I made sure there was money in my account to cover my ass. Cash is not good enough to BB&T until they make sure they can get their damn hands in my honey pot.

When I call into the customer service center of BB&T to try to handle this situation; I was basically told 'Oh well, perhaps you should conduct your business elsewhere' What kind of customer service is this? I am highly pissed and because I can't trust my money in BB&T hands, I have already switched bank accounts. I have been with other banks in the past and have never had issues like this. I highly recommend anyone who is a customer with BB&T seek other banking methods.

It is completely understandable that people, such as myself, make mistakes. I made a mistake by banking with BB&T. They lie, steal, and commit fraud. I have already begun making a report to the FDIC; and I will also be filing a report with BB&T Corporate headquarters. If someone would like to share with my their situation - please do. I feel that people should stand up for them selves regardless of how big a company is. This is what companies want - they think people will just blow hot air; but assume nobody will do anything about it. So these companies (BB&T included) continue to get away with unprofessional behavior.

Company: BB&T Bank
Country: USA
State: Maryland
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