Chase Mortgage
Home Refinance

Business & Finance

I obtained a notice from Pursuit, and so I called the amount. I wound up talking to Kathryn R Daigneault (a mortgage advisor - a revenue lady). She persuaded me to refinance and had me offer her my creditcardnumber to use. Exactly the same evening, I had been billed $750.00 on my charge card. After I unearthed that the info wasn't just like the flyer I obtained, and that I simply did refinance this past year, I named to stop the applying. I talked to Kathryn and her boss Angie, equally stating I really could not alter my brain and $750 was non refundable. Subsequently named numerous occasions and remaining communications, never heard back. I believe this is just a lure. I'm a Pursuit client, which makes this worse.


Company: Chase Mortgage
Country: USA
State: California
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