Midland Mortgage Co. Oaklahoma City, OK
Not applying payments to my mortgage, not returning phone calls in a timely manner, not have knowledgable people to talk to to handle problems. Getting constant run around

Business & Finance

My mortgage was sold to Midland Mortgage, by GMAC in Nov. The first direct withdraw payment that Midland took from my bank acct. Was the wrong amount. Since then I have been playing catch up with this company and not getting any answers from them. They have my account listed as late, they never update their information on their web site concerning my acct, and after reading other customers experience with them I am worried about the future of my loan, not to mention my credit report. The first payment that Midland was to draw from my account was the wrong amount. They drew 50.00 less than the mortgage payment and they are listing me as late and holding the payment saying that they cannot apply it to my loan because it was the wrong amount. (no shit) It was their fault from the beginning and I sent them a check to make up the difference and they say they still haven't received that: that was sent 11 days ago. They don't take online payments, they don't do anything for the customers to help in any way. I can't even get them to return phone calls. Does any one know if there is a class action lawsuit in process or pending?

Company: Midland Mortgage Co. Oaklahoma City, OK
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Oaklahoma City
Address: P.O Box 26648 Oaklahoma City, OK 73126-0648
Phone: 4054261299
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Midland Mortgage
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