Midland Mortgage - Gmac Mortgage
Take what they want out of your account, and will not anwser there phone, you here nothing but a machine

Construction & Repair

Frist of all thank-you, My mortgage was sold to Midland form GAMC Mortgage, that was mail to me late, cause money was already being taken from my account from the new company Midland, with that said, My payment got higher, now I have been calling for two weeks, can not get no one to talk to, when I do get through it is a machine, after 30 min I hang up. The other problem is my account is automatic deduct twice a month on contract from GMAC, in the frist month with Midland, I get bank statement from my bank overdraft, now the second month begin with a letter from Midland about the mistake, But I can not get no one on the phone, so I can know what is going on, Because the frist thing these company do is make report to the credit bureau which in my opinion is back door dirty work

Company: Midland Mortgage - Gmac Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
Address: PO Box 548817
Phone: 8006544466
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Midland Mortgage
The more you want to settle the problem, the higher your mortgage payment goes

Midland Mortgage Company
Unprofessional, Uncaring, Caveman-None Updated Company I have ever heard of, my GMAC mortgage was sold to them (Midland Mortgag) in NOV 08, worst thing could have ever happen Oklahoma Oklahoma

Midland Mortgage Bank
Mid Land Mortgage Mortgage company, short sale, Loan modification

Midland Mortgage - GMAC
Pimped Out GMAC sold mortgage without my permission. Midland refuses to take online payments, charges me extra to make payments

Midland Mortgage Co. Oaklahoma City, OK
Raising my payments to recoup their mistake

MOTORSPORTS rips off sailors Ripoff

Midland Mortgage Company
Fraud Automatic Payment Stopped Check

Midland Mortgage Company
Parent company Midfirst Bank locked me out, stole my personal belongings and took my home

Midland Mortgage
Ripoff ripoff and forclosed

Midland Mortgage Co. Oaklahoma City, OK
Not applying payments to my mortgage, not returning phone calls in a timely manner, not have knowledgable people to talk to to handle problems. Getting constant run around