Capital One Auto Finance
Harrassing My 10 year old son Plano Texas

Business & Finance

I am so glad that I am not the only person having problems with Capital One Auto Finance. I have a car financed with them and am running a 30 days late. I have repeatedly asked them to not contact me at my work place or my 10 year old son's cell phone (who is sick). It has been times when they have called 5-10 times a day. I have called an explained the situation to them that I do not currently have my phone on due to financial hardship, but they are not to call my son's cell phone. I have gone as far as taking his cell phone, giving it to a friend of mine while I was at work and asking her to give the same message not to call his phone. Well, they called on the day she had the phone and they disclosed ALL of my information to her. Unbeknownst to them, I am a debt collector, I am fully aware of the FDCPA, Third party disclosure, harrassment, etc. Laws. I have even gone into my workplace, after Hurricane Ike, to get some messages from my work phone as this was the only means of communication by my family members in other states. While I was there, they did exactly what I asked them not to, contact my job. I recorded the calls. I informed the first rep that I was recording the call, he asked me to hold on and hu. I called back to be hung up on before I could get everything said. Then, I called back and as usual when they call 50 times a day and I call back, I could hear reps in the background talking who eventually hung up the line without saying anything. I have continuously called and tried to make arrangements to be told they would document my account, and what happens the next day I start getting the blind calls. So I stopped answering. When I answer and I talk to a rep, I will still get calls beginning at 8am and ending at 9pm. I have stopped allowing my asthmatic son, who also has issues due to previous plastic surgery, to bring his phone to school. This is ludacrious. I was asked for an email address for further communication, and I provided it to them. I have spoken to the reps and informed them that I know they have a job to do, because I do the same thing but they are crossing the lines of FDCPA violations. The last time I was called was yesterday October 2, guess where, my son's cell phone. I then informed the young lady that I was recording the call. She informed me that she could remove the number, but their skiptracing department "might" (lol) put the numbers to my place of employment and my son's cell back. I informed her that I skiptrace and if a customer or non customer asked that they not call their place of employment or a number that is not theirs, by law they have to adhere to this. She just said, "she cannot guarantee that they will not put the numbers back." I am sick and tired of them. I smell a class action law suit and I really do not care at this point and time if they do repossess my car. Help!!!

Company: Capital One Auto Finance
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8009460332
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