National Probate Institute - Telligenix - Lance Strauss
National Probate Institute - Lance Strauss - Telligenix Ignores Calls and Emails, Failed to Provide Timely Refund

Business & Finance

Purchased Probate training from National Probate Institute in August. Contract states as required by CA law that contract can be cancelled within 3 business days. Lance Strauss was the very slick sales presenter for the company. I cancelled via certified mail on the second business day. Then, emailed company three times over a two week period concerning the refund I was due. Also, left phone messages on two occasions. Have received NO replies to emails or calls concerning these attempts to reach company. My main objection was that when Mr. Strauss presented information, he seemed eager to show all the emails he receives each day as his indication that this is an active and viable program, but he presented only a scant number of actual "success" stories. Cost of program is $2,995. Since National Probate Institute has not replied, I have now registered a dispute with my credit card company. Although this is likely to resolve matter, I will have paid one month interest on money that should have been promptly refunded. This company acts quickly in two respects: They are quick to post a credit card charge when the contract is signed, and they are quick to ignore attempts to reach them when they owe a refund. National Probate Institute is either scamming people or is simply indifferent toward its business obligations. Either way, they should be avoided!!!

Company: National Probate Institute - Telligenix - Lance Strauss
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 255 S. Orange Avenue, 6th Floor
Phone: 4072066569
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National Probate Institute
National Probate Institute - Lance Strauss - Ignores Calls and Emails, Failed to Provide Refund

National Probate Institute
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