National Probate Institute
National Probate Institute - Lance Strauss - Ignores Calls and Emails, Failed to Provide Refund

Education & Science

I purchased Probate training from National Probate Institute in November in Calgary, Alberta. Submitted cancellation on November 28th and in February I am still awaiting my refund of $3,665.00 CDN. Lance Strauss was the very slick sales presenter for the company. I cancelled via fax, then emailed company once a month ago. I left phone messages for the manager but my calls were never returned. I have received no replies to emails or calls concerning these attempts to reach company and each time I call the phone gets picked up then hung up and I get a busy signal.

I really just need my money back.

Calgary, Alberta

Company: National Probate Institute
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 255 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600
Phone: 4072066568
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National Probate Institute - Telligenix - Lance Strauss
National Probate Institute - Lance Strauss - Telligenix Ignores Calls and Emails, Failed to Provide Timely Refund

National Probate Institute
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