National Probate Institute
NPI does not honour 15 days refund policy

Education & Science

I signed up for the NPI program through the financial power summit seminar on 28 feb. For unfortunately circumstances, I had to cancel the order on 9 march. According to the 15 days refund policy, i should have received my refund on 25 march. They did not honour the refund and have delayed it a few times. When i called, they deliberately kept me on hold and could not give me a reason for the delays.

I have noticed many fraudulent companies are located in Florida. I had a bad experience with IAI also located in Florida and another cruise company also in Florida. I don't know if its just a coincidence but in future, Florida will always raise a red flag for me.

richmond, British Columbia

Company: National Probate Institute
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 111 N. Magnolia Ave Floor 16
Phone: 4072065672
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National Probate Institute - Telligenix - Lance Strauss
National Probate Institute - Lance Strauss - Telligenix Ignores Calls and Emails, Failed to Provide Timely Refund

Company refund policy: 15 days BUT Florida law states 30 day refund window

National Probate Institute
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National Probate Institute
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