Fairbanks capital corp

Business & Finance

I lost my job, developed auto immune liver disease (recovering excellent now, presently employed making less money, but had to file bankruptcy. Fairbanks acquired our 2 mortgages previously. After filing for Chaper 7 they stopped sending a monthly statement and hired a person to come take pictures and assess out home.

Then added the charges to my payment told me I was behind on my payment. I called to find out why and was told, when you file bankruptcy they move your account to another department. I was instructed to mail my payments to the Temple address I did.

I also had to borrow the money for their charges so my payments would be in line again. Now I send my payments by money order and overnight them so I have proof they are receiving them. I am still getting letters saying they are not receiving payments on time but if you call the customer service number I have money they are holding in what they call a suspense account that can be applied to your montly payment.

My bankruptcy was final in September and I called in December to se e why I haven't received a statement yet, I have to sent proof my bankruptcy is final. I would like to combine my mortgage payment and I asked them if this would be possible they said they didn't make loans.

Company: Fairbanks capital corp
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt lake city
Address: 3815 sw temple. salt lake city, utah 84115
Phone: 8012931883
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