Fairbanks Capital Corp
Ripoff, liars and cheats. Foreclosing on our home, say we owe ridiculous amounts of money

Business & Finance

Sent them over 3000.in extra payment in a year, plus extra on our monthly payment, am told it is not enough to keep my house.

Rude customer service rep.informed my wife she needed to get a job and send all the money to them. Was told to quit giving to my church and send money to them.

They say they have options for you to keep your home, that's a big fat lie!!! It either involves you selling your home, or a large amount of money plus your regular payments.

On our statements the due date from month to month never changes they say for 3 months you are paying a payment for the same month, where does our money go?

Arlington, Indiana

Company: Fairbanks Capital Corp
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: P.O. Box 551170 Jacksonville, Fl. 32255
Phone: 8006359698
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