Fairbanks Capital Corp
Ripoff business from hell fabricates late charges, other charges, harasses with foreclosure notices

Business & Finance

Since 1 our mortgage on a property in Hollywood, FL has been assigned to Fairbanks Capital Corp. We have had a problem every month since then. We are constantly charged late fees, which we paid, despite having cancelled checks showing post dates within their staed grace period. We were assigned an insurance policy with Balboa Insurance although we have (and always had) a policy in force. They charged for insurance during a period that they did not have the note (4 months in 2001).

Customer service reps are stupid and uninformed. One can never reach the same rep twice. Each rep you speak with will give you a different answer with the same general theme "We don't know what these charges are, but just pay them anyway". I've paid approx $500 extra over the last 3 months trying to resolve a "1 mont delinquent payment" although they had cashed the check, but didn't apply because they had revised our monthly payment up by $53 without any notice. The "missing payment" they held but didn't apply to my account from June until August justified their filing a credit report showing me 60 days delinquent, causing problems trying to refinance. As far as I know, the credit report still stands showing the delinquency, even though they say I finally made a "double payment". They want additional late fees on the period the payment was "missing".

Hollywood, Florida

Company: Fairbanks Capital Corp
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: 3815 SW Temple
Phone: 8002588602
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Fairbanks Capital Mortgage aka

Fairbanks Capital corp
Fairbanks Fairbanks Capital Corp ripoff charged late fees when not late

Fairbanks Capital Corp
Bought my mortgage and thus began my nightmare. Ripoff!

Fairbanks Capital Corporation
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Fairbanks Capital Corp
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Fairbanks Capital Corp
Ripoff This company has put my through tremendous mental abuse as well as destoyed my credit

Fairbanks Capital Corporation
Ripoff fraudulent billing and reporting erroneous late payments tagged on to the loan an extra $20,000.00

Fairbanks Capital Corp. aka Equicredit
Rip off scam con artists adding late charges to payments that is auto paid from banking account

Fairbanks Capital Corp

Fairbanks Capital Corp
Fairbanks Capital Corporation ripoff victimized many consumers