Afni Collections ripoff Fraudulent billing from 10 yrs. Ago wrong address different names on account and I haven't had a phone in my name

Business & Finance

I was sent a bill for $248.98 on a verizon account. I haven't had a house phone in my name. I called this business to get more details on this matter.

The man said, there are a few different names on the account, and then I asked for the address of the account. It was two wrong addresses, in which I haven't lived at.

I informed the company that it was not my bill. The man said I would need to pay it in full or it will affect my credit score. I then asked for fruadulaent paper work to fill out.

The man said I would need to make a written response within 30 days of the letter. Then they would determine if I could file fruadulent paper work. When I came on the website to see if I could do my response on line, I found that this was a rip off scam.

Now I am not sure of what to do. Any Ideas?

Company: Afni
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Bloomington
Address: P.O. Box 3427
Phone: 8663081160
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