Fraudulent billing on fake phone numbers for Verizon ripoff

Education & Science

We were hit by a fraudlent billing by AFNI as well for just under $200. This is for a phone number in an area in which we haven't lived in over a decade and we never had that phone number when we did live there.

We have filed a complaint with the FTC, the BBB and the California Public Utilities Commission. We have also sent a certified letter demanding that AFNI validate this with all proper information, not just in-house report - such as the original contract, SSN and original address of phone number. None of this was provided in the collection notice, now it is up to them to give us the right information. (No, we did not provide the information for them in our letter) THEY NEED TO BE STOPPED.

I think they have breached the FDCP Act and are simply fishing names off the internet and harrassing people with similar names in hopes someone will pay it.

Company: Afni
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Bloomington
Address: PO Box 3427
Phone: 8663081160
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Afni Collections
Please file FTC complaints against Afni Collections!