Rpm Collection Agency Sprint
RPM M I closed out a account at sprint made two payments to rmp they will not tell me how the balence is on my account the are very rood and nasty

Business & Finance

I closed my sprint account about six months ago, within two months the account was turned over to RPM the amount was 290.00$. A 200.00$ early termination fee because spinnt refused to replace my phone or allow me to upgrade to a newer model.

On March 30 I Payed RPM 100.00$ On the account and agin on May 15 I made a payment of 50.00$. I the mean time I NEVER recived anthing in the mail stating how much I actally owed RPM So long as I gave them money no guestions asked everything was fine, but a couple of weeks ago when RPM contacted me about making making another payment. I wanted to know the balance or what I still owed on the account.

The person I was speaking would not or could not give me that information he would not tell me his name, he became very rood and abnotious at times shoting at me. When I asked to speak to his superviser her behavior was no better. She began to speak very loudly at me thearting me if I did not pay the remaning ballance of 195.00$, and I inqured about the first payment of 100.00$ she told me there was on record of said payment but I have prof because its on my bank statment.

Company: Rpm Collection Agency Sprint
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Detroit
Address: 5594 Pacific
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