Problem with in house collections - erroneous reporting to credit bureaus ripoff

Business & Finance

Same thing as all other posters...

Without going into detail since Citibank collectors read this board... I made an agreement to pay Citibank with post dated checks as they demanded. I didn't agree with the amount but paid anyway (this was before I discovered this board). One reason I disagreed was after they suspended my account, they continued to charge me 32% interest PLUS LATE FEES, AND OVER BALANCE CHARGES SINCE 2004 when they cancelled/suspended the account in late 2004. These fees amounted to around $3,000 each year since 2004.

I pulled my credit report and discovered they have me 120 days for 5 months in a row for last year which isn't correct because the account has been autopay since early last year. If Citibank was pulling these payments out late - the problem is on their side not mine.

I contacted Citibank and the credit bureaus in first quarter 2007 and presented proof (by virtue of Citibank's own confirmation of payments AND Citibank's own statements showing payments covering the time the payments were allegedly made late. Their letter even states, "per your agreement, the amount of $ is automatically being taken out of your checking account."

Further, Citibank has reported three different amounts of monthly payments to each of the different credit bureaus - sometimes the amount is more than $100 difference (ie the amount is supposed to be $500. To one agency they say I pay $430, to another they say I pay $300 to another agency they say I pay $200). By the way, the confirmation letter is dated the beginning of the month, states a date the funds are going to be withdrawn mid month, but I receive this letter a week or more AFTER they tell me the amount is going to be withdrawn... What's up with that?

Citibank says the account was CLOSED IN JUNE. What does this mean? They told me they suspended / closed the account in 2004.

Citibank has NEVER answered my request for validation on the payment discrepancy and the credit bureaus EVEN AFTER DOCUMENTATION SENT has refused to correct..

I just sent another set of documentation disproving Citibank's erroneous reporting (including their original letter stating what the arrangement was, how it was to happen and the amount) to both Citibank and to the credit bureaus certified return receipt. What is my next step? Since this is an inhouse collection situation they are not bound by the same laws as agencies as I understand it.


Totally Confused

Company: Citibank
Country: USA
State: South Dakota
City: Sioux Falls
Address: PO Box 6241
  <     >  


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