Midland Funding - Midland Financial Management
RIPOFF suing for outrageous amount

Business & Finance

I have received summons from a lawyer that I am being sued by Midland Funding for outrageous amount $19,000.

My question should I write the lawyer a letter and deny the debt and inform him that I have only a disability income OF $1,130 and hope they might drop the case or should I let them go to court and win by default. I
know they can't take my disability income but I fear they might still seize my bank account and cause me lots of trouble. A lawyer I talked to said just let them take it to court. Do nothing but that bothers me.

The cc I had a balance of $8,600 and was with another
company Fleet and I had written them several times trying to settle t in the past. After I could no longer work they closed my account and raised my interest rate to max. I had kept this acct in good standing prior to this. It had been moved around but never got an answer from any collection companies. The acct, dates and amount doesn't match but my time is running out to respond to this summones. My health is bad and so many days I just can't focus to deal with it.

Would appreciate any advice to help me know my options.

Company: Midland Funding - Midland Financial Management
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 8875 Aero Drive 200
Phone: 8008258131
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