Bank Of America
Ripoff Stole money

Business & Finance

In November my younger brother came dowm with cirrhosis of the liver. On November 14 he had a liver transplant in Houston Texas. While his was sick I put my name on his account to help him with his bills and such. After he got better he took his account back over. We never took my name off of it even through we ask the bank to do that for us and we thought it had been taken care of. I open an account with Bank of America and had it until they screwed my account by paying for checks when the funds were not available. This caused my account to become severly over drawn. Even though it was mostly their fault, I was willing to set up a payment program to pay them back. On January 9 I recieved a note from the bank that I had a zero balnace. I thought that they were going to allow me a payment program and they just balanced my account. Come to find out they extracted $2190.11 from my brother's account to pay my balance off and they will not give my brother his money back. They basically stole his money from his account. The money in his account is his, not mine. They are a bunch of thieves.

Company: Bank Of America
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
Address: 5800 Slaughter Lane, Bldg B-1
Phone: 8004321000
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