Vanderbuilt Mortage
Oakwood Accept, ripoff

Business & Finance

We've Had problems ever since Oakwood Accept. Corp went bankrupt.

And Vanderbuilt took over. They claim, and still claim that we are 3 months behind on our mortage payments... It's now been over a year since they took over our mortage. We have supplied Vanderbuilt with 6yrs of cancelled checks. One for each month's payment since our loan began. And we still can't get them to correct their errors. They call almost daily, and are rude and belittling. They even refuse to speak with our Attorney.
And Vanderbuilt refusing to give us the payoff on our loan. So we can't refinace our loan. Costing us time and embarrusement.

I have taken steps against them.
1.) filed a complaint with the Wa. State Dept of Financial instute. (check your states listing)
2.) Filed complaint with Respa
3.) Filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Comm.

We are seeking others to file a group lawsuite.

Company: Vanderbuilt Mortage
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Greenbor
Address: 7500 MacCloud
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