Bank Of Americankofamerica
Bank Of America ripoff sucked my small account dry and now say I owe them $245.25 I know I don't owe Redondo Beach

Business & Finance

I have 2 rip - off reports to make. #1. I had started babysitting for pay. So I opened up a checking account with Bank of America. I was told I had to have a minimun of $450.00 to open an account. Allowed to go inside the bank 2 times a month. Or else would be charged. Why I didn't walk out the door is beyond me. How impersonal and not really welcomed that made me feel. It cost me not to use my debit card or checks. It cost me when I did use my debit card or checks.

I had stopped babysitting about 6 months later so no more pay checks. I had spent most of MY Money on Christmas presents. I owed nothing and there was enough left in account to cover banks charges. Little did I know a check bounced 4 times! This they never told me. Still don't know about the check. Now they what $245.25 plus $52.01 interest rate!

I swear even if I had money dripping out my ears and money tree in yard and under that tree was a golden goose. I say

When pigs fly over the man in the moon is when they get a red cent from me! #2 But what they did to my father is by far worse! Unlike me they do want to keep my dad's acounnt. To use in their out of this country investments. My dad has not gotten a bank statement nor any of his canceled check in the last past year. Depite numerous requests. He finally got one. Someone-somehow has been taking money out of his account daily at the local 7-11 store. So far a total of over $12,00.00.

Of course they are blamming me. If they investigate store tapes that will prove it 's not me and should prove thief. Theif withdrew money almost everyday a few times twice a day! A lot of repetive amounts. All range from $140.00 - $300.00. Still cops and bank blame me. Father and me are going to police station in the morning. Will update you when investigation is done. For their sakes I hope they don't get my dad mad. It won't be pretty. Ok, to sum up what I think of Bank of America. Need to change their name. They seem so UnAmerican

Company: Bank Of Americankofamerica
Country: USA
State: California
Address: 1603 Hawthorne Blvd. Redondo Beach, Ca 90277
Phone: 3108841870
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