Ameriquest - AMC Mortgage
Ameriquest -AMC Mortgage ripoff

Business & Finance

IN July of last year 2004 my husband was laid off from his job and he got behind in his mortgage. I contacted ameriquest to make some kind of payment arrangement. My husband took out a loan from his annuity account sent ameriquest 6,000 because ameriquest said he was 8,000 behind which included late fees. He went into a forebearance agreement. His payment was 1566.81 to 1768.45 which was due on the 25th of each month, it couldn't be late, and had to be a cashiers check.

This July the forebearance would have been done, well he was laid off again for 2 months and the payment was late because we had to build up our account, AMC now says he owes them 3,567.42 which is wrong because with the forebearance there are no late fees and the only payment we haven't made yet is July's 2005 of 1768.45. Also I had faxed ameriquest about the original balance of 8,000 when the last payment coupon we got in the mail dated 7/15/04 stated that the total amt due was 4,886.29. The people are very nasty and wont take a partial payment but gives you numbers of the salvation army who could give you 50.00 but the company wont take a payment of 500.00, from us. They are totally ripping us off big time and gouging the middle income people, and because of their credit rating who's gonna give you credit without a high intrest rate. The has to be a law against this.

Company: Ameriquest - AMC Mortgage
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
Address: 505 City Parkway West
Phone: 8002116926
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