Cross Country Bank
Relentless scam artists

Business & Finance

If you are ever invited to obtain a Cross Country Bank credit card run for your life! These folks are the ultimate scam artists. They hit you with little charges that push you over your credit limit causing an over limit fee and if you are one day late with a payment they slap you with a late charge and then start calling you relentlessly, numerous times a day. They even try calling you at work, which in my opinion is sheer stupidity at it's finest. How in the world are you going to be able to maintain a job and earn money to pay these people when they are calling your place of employment and harassing enough to get a person fired! When you tell them to stop they say they won't - however there is an organization you can now call to report them for contacting you on your job and they will be fined $5,000 - let's call on these tactless folks and perhaps if enough people band together we can put an end to their underhanded tactics!!! If you want to keep your sanity do not apply for one of these cards EVER!!!

Company: Cross Country Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Phone: 8772737690
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Cross Country Bank
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Cross Country Bank