Cross Country Bank
Organized Scam

Business & Finance

The employees of Cross Country Bank should be proud of the way that they lie and cheat card holders. The scam appears to be to
establish trust and then slowly alter the agreement.
I made an internet payment 3 days before my due date, what a mistake! CCB took 8 business days to apply the payment, creating late and eventually-over limit fees. The employees of this company have no idea what the policies are and proceed to lie and promise actions that they or no one else in the company are authorized to do.

This company can be silenced by contacting them in writing that they cease to make any contact by my situation, they stopped calling my house (as many as 8 phone calls in one day) and started calling my employer.ccB was informed that any more calls to my employer would result in CCB being charged with phone harassment by my employer, this stopped calls to my employer.

CCB attempts to intimidate people with the threat of credit rating destruction and throwing insults at people while on the phone. I feel sorry for the poor slugs who work for this company, as they work 7 days a week violating numerous fair practice standards and state statutes. My balance is now more than double my credit limit, with no resolution in sight. Beware of CCB, got to your credit union or a local bank and open a cash secured card, but DO NOT open a Cross Country Bank account.

Cincinnati, Ohio

Company: Cross Country Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Address: PO Box 310711
Phone: 8002255030
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