Ebay Ripoff Selle

Business & Finance

I set up a paypal and ebay account for the second time which was setup at home so I did not have to drive into the business to run my account. I listed over 50 items and when 5 did sell ebay and paypal would not let me ship through there system.

Even with confirmed address, the customers were eager to get there merchandise and Ebay kept telling me over the phone that if I sent my merchandise around there system I would have no protection. I told them to get the problem resolved and they hung the phone up on me.

So I had to call Paypal back and wait 40 minutes then when I got through they hung up on me again only this time they told me to Fu*koff.

So I emailed there live chat and they told me that my account did not exsist. So the run around keeps up and the next day an illegal funds transfer from my partner for 300.00 is transfered from his account to mine. But I was on the paypal when this was going on and kept this from entering my bank account.

At this time I closed my Paypal account which was closed promply. Five days later Paypal with my bank account close wires 323.00 into my bank account. Then charges me for the listing fees for an Ebay account they said did not exsist.

Then for every customer that bought from me they charged me 20.00 for fees relating to the customer not getting there merchandise. Now they call me and acted like they don't know anything and tell me I need to reopen my Paypal account and pay what I owe them, I laughed hard at them and hung up the phone.

The next day they hacked my computer with back door trojans which I have a whole list with Ip numbers and the serial numbers to there computers. They hacked into my system and went into the registry and removed all the drivers so I could not use my digital camera and they mess it up so bad HP could not fix the problem.
Well I did not give them there money that they illegaly placed into my bank account so they could charge me fees so they turn this over to a collection agency and now they try to threaten me.

Well it will be a cold day in hell before they see any money from me.

I have there money and Im Going to keep it. There company is full of people that were kicked out of the military and full of xcons that know how to ripp off the public.

He is all there unlisted phone numbers so you people that were ripped off by them can call with out paying for it.

and here is there address
303-Bryant St.
Mountain View, Ca. 94040-1253
and there Coperate direct Numbers 650-864-8000 and

Company: PayPal
Country: USA
State: California
City: Mountain View
Phone: 8776729725
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Freezing funds

PayPal, Ebay
PayPal AKA Ebay Pure Ripoff! Took almost 1k unathorized money out of my account! Internet

And PayPal secure? If you think so, you better read this!

Unfairly Closed my account! San Jose, California

Has caused me to go over-drawn, trying to pay a bill I didn't even owe. San Jose California

Paypal - Ebay
Ripoff, fraud, thiefs, scam artists, do not give them your money!

Do Not Attach your paypal account to Ebay!

Ebay is a scam company, beware! San jose

Paypal Aka Ebay
Paypal, Ebay Payment withheld from Ebay selle

Scam! Ebay Buyers Use PayPal to RipOff Sellers