Ocwen Aka Aames Aka EMC
Bait and switch artist who ruin your credit and try to make it impossible to figure out who is messing with you RIPOFF

Business & Finance

Mortgage owners beware!

Two years ago our house burned down to the ground and because of forced insurance by Ocwen we had no content replacement, no mortgage insurance, so in order to save our home we spent a year and a bit paying on two mortgages and two sets of utilities and fighting the insurance company every step of the way to pay out on a timely manner to keep the construction company going. They short changed the construction company, to the point that they have stopped on the house before it was completed, when we complained we were told to try a refi with this reputable company that they recommended. (we were desperate) so we agreed to refi with Aames Home loan.

Here in begans the fun, first they changed the amount of the refi after everything had come down to the wire, by a substantial amount, the payments were higher then agreed upon and the points and closing were unbelievable, but the construction company were threatening to sue us due to breach of contract and this mortgage company had actually contacted our constrution company and promised them the world if they pressured us to sign. So we did!!! (BAD MOVE)

We started our nightmare with Aames then with calls twenty-four seven about lost payments, late payments, insurance payments, surprise escrow payments and they threatened to forclose on us every month no matter how early we paid and each time we were forced to pay late fees and all kinds of other charges they could dream up.
In August they actually followed thru with there threat and forclosed on us, we only found out after trying to refi with another company and were informed of our situation. We contacted Aames immediately and they apologised and offered to refi us immediately due to a discrepancy they themselves realised while going thru our file.

We started refi with them in September at that time we were told not to make any payments because our refi was going to close before the end of the month. This carried on til December, when after refusing our payments for 5 monthes, they forclosed again and sold us on the court house steps to EMC who then promptly evicted us.

We have since learned that according to our credit report Aames is not even listed and Ocwen has us as 9 monthes in arears in payments and three forclosures, and Emc has us listed as a forclosure as well.

Now I ask you how can Ocwen still be reporting us as late pay when we have a letter stating they were paid off by Aames and Aames attorneys swear they forclosed on us in December and sold us in January, at the same time EMC has as a client since December after having aquired us in forclosure and since we didn't pay them for January they forclosed on us in February.

Our attorney is still reeling from this logic

Company: Ocwen Aka Aames Aka EMC
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 12650 Ingenuity Drive
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Aames Home Loan - EMC Mortgage
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Emc Mortgage Corp
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Aames Home Loan

Aames Home Loans
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Fairbanks Capital
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Aames Home Loans

Aames Home Loan - EMC
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Ocwen Federal Bank
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Aames Capital Corporation, EMC Mortgage Corporation
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