Emc Mortgage Corp
Rip off in hawaii

Business & Finance

We too are being ripped off by EMC mortgage corp. My husband and I filed bankruptcy back in 1999. We filed chapter 13. Which has been paid in full and was discharged in March.

Now we used to be with Aames Mortgage co. But we found out that they sold our mortgage with a whole bunch of other peoples mortgages to a company named EMC Mortgage corp.

We thought that things would get better because Aames was messing up on our payments. Well we were wrong. We got are welcome letter from EMC and 3 coupons to make our monthly payment.

We were told new coupons would arrive shortly. They never did. Then we got a letter saying we needed to get our own home owners insurance. Which we did. Then we got another letter saying we were behind on our bankruptcy payments. We responded to the letter showing them the case was discharged and they needed to go back to aames and see where the money went. They said they would look into it. Then we got another letter from them saying we didnt get insurance on the house so they got their own policy and was adding $2,500. To our loan. We had our insurance company call them and fax over the policy. We talked to a woman named Pam. She wouldnt give her last name.

She told our insurance company the amout we have is fine. Just disreguard the letter. Well we just got another letter saying we dont have enough insurance on the house so we owe the 2,500. And another letter saying we didnt pay our june, july, or august payments. Even though we have our canceled checks. And the dates they cleard the bank. They wont take us out of their bankruptcy department even though they know its been discharged. When I call they wont let me speak to a supervisor, they say they dont have to let me and hang up on me. I get very pissed off. I have complained to the banking authorities in tx and hawaii, also complained to the federal trade comm. I dont know where else to turn to.

Company: Emc Mortgage Corp
Country: USA
State: Texas
Address: 909 HIDDEN RIDGE DR SUITE 200
Phone: 8006957695
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